"Love is in the Air", and so is the Virus

Couple's 'Corona Wedding' Has People on the Internet Fuming ...Despite these troubling times that have been affecting the people of the world since the introduction of COVID-19, there are still some fairly noteworthy examples of people doing loving and kind things for each other. I think hearing stories about these types of things bring some happiness to an otherwise terrible situation, so I try to look for them in the news whenever possible. Recently I heard of a few different stories of ways people were still trying to have their weddings despite 'rona season. I think that while it's definitely a trivial thing to focus on during a trying time, that these displays of love are what can also help heal the mental and psychological damage that this virus will do.

Most recently, I saw an article featuring multiple examples of wedding experiences happening despite the virus. These included folks hosting weddings over Zoom, drive-in receptions, and Corona themed photoshoots. One couple chose to get married in their original venue in front of an empty chapel, which actually resulted in some pretty amazing photos as well. As a take on many of the virus themed fashions that have premered over the last few weeks, some wedding dress designers made masks out of lace and tulle in order to match a bride's dress, as well as personalized masks for them to send out to loved ones as a gesture instead of the traditional ceremony.

While some of these efforts can seem cheesy to some, I think that they overall represent the incredible ability of humans to stay positive and find hope even in incredible dire situations, and I can only hope that we continue to see more small examples of happiness among the darkness that will unfortunately be plaguing our communities for the foreseeable future.



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