
Showing posts from May 10, 2020

Is Technology Making or Breaking Us?

Technology in one form or another is undoubtedly ingrained into each and every one of us. Within younger generations especially, it seems they instinctually understand the flow of technological devices. While this can be an incredible useful skill especially as we enter the job market and begin to offer our human services to the world, there is also a huge capacity for this same technology to create trouble in our person-person relationships. I believe that people our age are very well-positioned in the technology spectrum of dependence; we are able to learn things quickly as they premiere but we aren't so ingrained within the system that we don't remember the days of entertaining ourselves and asking questions of PEOPLE to find our answers. It seems however, that more and more sources come out with evidence that early exposure to screen-time and technology can have a lasting impact on the behavior of an individual and their ability to make real world connections. We c