
Showing posts from January 19, 2020

About Me

Hi there! My name is Lynn Cole, and this is my Media Law and Literacy blog. I'm a senior in college from Flagstaff, Arizona majoring in Strategic Communication and minoring in Dance. I'm extremely excited for graduation in the spring, after which I hope to work in Dallas in advertising and marketing for a cosmetic company/ad firm. I like to say that my skills are writing, design, dance, and organizing. One of my favorite things to do is make coffee:) Usually I can be found with my friends, writing in my journal, or hunting through thrift stores for comfy sweatshirts. I hope to use this blog for class, but also to learn more about what's going on in the world surrounding media and the field of communication so I can be as prepared as possible as a new communication-professional. I have been waiting for a LONG time to graduate and get a job, and I hope that I can learn even more about what that is going to involve through making this blog. I am passionate about a lot of issue