
Showing posts from January 26, 2020

The Complicated Nature of a "First Amendment Audit"

When one logs onto Facebook, or really any Social Media or internet site, it is not uncommon these days to come across a video of some type of citizen/police encounter being filmed. These types of videos have gained a lot of popularity, so much so that there are now entire accounts with thousands of followers devoted to creating this type of content. Many simply find videos to repost; but recently there has been a rise in individuals completing what is known as a "First Amendment Audit". During a FAA,  an individual goes to a public space such as a government building, post office, police station, etc... and simply films what might be happening that day from the public property. These individuals consider themselves activists, and are USUALLY well-versed in the particular laws that grant them the right to film in these areas. states in an article on their website that "   An uneventful audit is akin to “passing a test,” while a confrontat