Propaganda - EOTO

War, Propaganda and Misinformation: The Evolution of Fake News

Today in the United States, we are exposed to countless messages of propaganda, and it's extremely important that we understand not only what they are, but why and how we are receiving these messages. Propaganda has essentially been around as long as mass communication itself has been possible. At its core, propaganda is essentially advertisement of a cause, however it differs from advertising in that is "intentionally not objective" and designed to sway opinion towards a certain direction. Typically propaganda is regarded as a fairly powerful technique, so it should be considered with great regard both when learning about it's definition and viewing it in everyday life. The more we as a society can come to understand about these messages, how they are used, and what we should do when we encounter them, the more we can empower ourselves to be smart consumers of media as well as active participants in American democracy. 

Firstly, it's important to understand the basic principles of propaganda. Merriam Webster defines propaganda as "the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person" and/or the" ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause". According to this definition, a lot more messages count as propaganda than it probably seems. Not all propaganda is "evil" however it is biased by nature, and it's especially powerful when used as a direct tactic against a particular entity or cause. The word propaganda in this way first came into use around the beginning of the 19th century, making it a fairly new definition to us today. 

According to the Institute for Propaganda Analysis,there are seven common propaganda techniques that propagandists use to help craft their arguments, and it's worth breaking them down in order to understand their techniques and why it's potentially harmful:

  • Glittering Generalities/Virtue Words: This refers to when someone links a particular person, message, or cause to a positive symbol. ex.. "family, freedom, etc..." 
  • Name Calling: Directly disparaging a person, group, or ideology in relation to the propagandists desired outcome
  • Testimonial: When a prominent figure gives his/her endorsement to a product, person, entity, etc... 
  • Plain Folks: When a prominent figure engages in "regular" acts to make his/her idea seem general and "of the people"
  • Bandwagon: "everyone else is doing it and so should you!"
  • Card Stacking: involves the careful selection of facts or arguments to give a perception of the best or worst possible outcome 
  • Transfer: linking the message or person that one desires to propagate to one that is already accepted/prestigious. ex.. politician wearing the American flag
When you start to break down the components of propaganda, it's easy to see how they aren't always in the form of sweeping campaigns and giant political posters. Often, they are smaller crafted messages or sometimes not messages at all, but rather symbols or gestures that are designed to elicit a specific type of engagement from the receiver. Propaganda always has intent behind it however, which is what differentiates it from advertising, a rumor or someone naturally engaging in certain actions. 

Americans can protect themselves from propaganda messages having a negative impact in their lives by asking a few key questions when encountering any political, social, or ideological messaging. 
  1. What is the source of this information? How easily was that source found?
  2. Is this a credible source? Does it align with my values?
  3. What is the likely goal of this messaging? 
  4. Are there any overly positive/negative tones contained within this message?
If the overall message fails pass one or more of these tests, then there's a good chance that the message is one of propaganda. It's extremely important for people to understand these techniques and recognize them in our everyday media, because they are definitely being used. Those who do not understand them will be a victim to them, and their chaotic purpose will have thusly been achieved. The only way to fight them is to understand them. 

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